Equitable Digital Access


What is it?

To bridge socioeconomic gaps and truly support digital learning for all students, an initiative must ensure sufficient bandwidth and connection speeds to allow learning and teaching to occur anytime, with limited interruptions resulting from infrastructure problems. But equitable access means more than simply providing devices and connectivity. It also means giving every student the opportunity to learn from teachers who understand how to use technology to both enhance learning and create quality learning experiences for students with special needs.

Why is it important?

Technology offers the potential to improve education for disadvantaged students, regardless of at-home availability — but only if all students are able to fully participate. When planning for technology implementation, it’s imperative to consider not only the number of technology devices you need but also how you can leverage available digital resources to meet learning and teaching goals.Technology has proven particularly effective for meeting the needs of students with special needs. The ISTE Standards require teachers to have access to both the tools and the skills to support this population.


Ideas to Ensure Equitable Digital Access:

  • Create a schedule for students to use classroom computers, internet, iPads, etc…
  • Set a timer during use so that students know when to rotate to allow all students the opportunity to use the technology.
  • Create a rotation board using magnets or clothespins with students’ names and move student clips until all students have had time with the specific technology
  • Choose which students will use the technology by placing in alphabetical order, student numbers, groups, or any other method of grouping/organizing your students.

Teacher Resources:


